December is the most celebrated month of the year. It is also a special and magical month in which to celebrate a birthday.
Turquoise and Rubies are special gifts for Decemberites. This blog shares the legendary healing and other properties of these two stones.
The earliest evidence of turquoise gemstones was found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 5000 BCE. This included turquoise stones set in gold necklaces and rings as inlay and carved it into scarabs. During this time, the turquoise stone was held in regal regard by the Pharaohs — not only for its beauty and color — but also for its mystical properties that were believed to protect the wearer against the “evil eye.”
Turquoise was a prized possession for many Egyptians. It was used to adorn the death mask of King Tutankhamun and stone coffins called sarcophaguses.
Tibetans once used Turquoise as their currency. Today, most of the world’s turquoise originates from Burma and is carved in China. Turquoise reached Europe with the Crusades. In the US, it was used by Native Americans in jewelry.
Turquoise is a copper ore and one of the oldest known materials. Some experts think Turquoise is the first gemstone ever mined.
In ancient times doctors thought turquoise prevented injury. They ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders and internal bleeding. It is revered by many who believe it protects the wearer from danger, attracts wealth, and should be worn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some even believe turquoise fades when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful. Others say it protects against pollution while strengthening the body removing all negative energy. Turquoise, according to legend, brings good luck and fortune.
According to legend, Turquoise stones with natural shades of blue-green hues add an extra layer of spiritual cleansing.
Turquoise being a throat chakra stone heals all the issues of the throat including respiratory problems, allergies, migraines, and other physical ailments that run through the ears, nose, throat, and lungs. It is thought to be a great tonic for spiritual healing working closely with the throat chakra — the core of communication – providing a feeling of being heard and adding to our sense of self-worth. It is said a blocked throat chakra can lead to various problems with communication. Turquoise Stone Jewelry connects with the throat chakra and the flow around it.
Jewelry made of this blue gemstone often comes with anti-inflammatory properties that can heal rheumatism and strengthen the immune system. This balances the physical body of an individual so that they feel refreshed, cleansed, and clear-headed. For those who are feeling burned out and weighed down believers say Turquoise works wonders on emotional well-being. It feels, they say, like they are stepping out into the cooling hues of calm water experiencing serenity and peace while finding clarity as they determine the correct path to take.
The Ruby is a beautiful hue of blood red. Its name is derived from the Latin word “Ruber,” which symbolizes the sun. According to legend, it has a rare energy and an inextinguishable flame that can make us immortal while exuding energy, life, and love helping us stay rooted and ready for any life challenges.
Legend has it that Rubies have special healing properties. It is not just aesthetically appealing in Birthstone Jewelry but it also has distinct healing properties as well.
Ruby is thought to be a stone of good fortune because according to legend it purifies the body, mind, and soul and strengthens heart health, muscles, and ventricles. It is said that rubies and their vibrant red hues can lessen menstrual pain, help with reproductive issues around fertility and sexuality and it has a powerful cleansing energy that can detox and treat kidney problems.
Legendary beliefs are that Ruby is firmly connected to the themes of love, encouraging us to overcome old wounds, scuffs, and grazes of the heart. It is a perfect gem for those who are sensitive as it can sustain and balance sensitivities. many believe it has mental and emotional healing properties. Believers say its fierce powers and radiant energy help release us from destructive thought patterns.
According to legend, for those who feel the world has turned cold and they don’t fit in it, Ruby is the burning light in a world of darkness. Legendary metaphysical properties of the Ruby include the root chakra, which helps keep one grounded, safe, and stable. The Ruby also helps the solar and sacral chakras, which provide safety while also instilling creativity and passion allowing for more connectivity as the ruby’s surge of energy connects the root to the creative center.
If you are looking for December birthstones that are sure to excite your loved ones, explore the glamor of Turquoise and Ruby gemstone jewelry.
Are you Decemberite? Which gemstones would you prefer Turquoise or Ruby? We’d love to know!